401k Plan Advisor
We offer services as the investment advisor to your company’s employee retirement plan. As the employer, you have fiduciary responsibilities over the retirement plan that's offered to your employees. We will work with you to help you meet those fiduciary responsibilities.
As the investment advisor on your company’s 401k plan, we:
Work with you to price your 401k plan competitively. It’s possible that your company has outgrown its current retirement plan provider’s costs and services. As a general guideline, companies are encouraged to benchmark their employee retirement plan every year.
Conduct research and analysis to ensure the investment options offered inside the retirement plan are cost effective and exhibit track records worthy of your employees’ investment.
Meet with your company employees annually to provide market commentary, retirement plan updates and individualized guidance to help prepare for retirement.

It's critically important to provide a quality wealth management lineup to your 401k participants. At Family Fiduciary, we have experience designing, implementing, and monitoring 401k investment lineups for our clients.
Are you unsure when the last time your company's 401k was benchmarked?
Are you uncertain that the investment lineup within your portfolio suits the needs of your employees?
Have you received complaints from 401k participants about the poor quality of the funds offered within the 401k or the poor service they receive from the recordkeeper?
Are your employees seeking individualized guidance on how to invest their 401k?
If you are the 401k administrator for your company and you have questions about your 401k plan, please reach out for a complimentary consultation about your 401k offering.